
Febbraio 25, 2022

WRF has called for a series of consultative meetings with d...
OFFICIAL STATEMENT: WRF has called for a series of consultative meetings with different stakeholders regarding the situation in Ukraine, related to its sport community. WRF strongly supports the position of the International Olympic Committee and has planned not to organize any event in Russia or Belarus in the coming times. It is not a flag...

WRF has called for a series of consultative meetings with d...
OFFIZIELLE ERKLÄRUNG: WRF hat zu einer Reihe von Konsultationstreffen mit verschiedenen Interessengruppen in Bezug auf die Situation in der Ukraine in Bezug auf ihre Sportgemeinschaft aufgerufen. WRF unterstützt nachdrücklich die Position des Internationalen Olympischen Komitees und plant, in den kommenden Zeiten keine Veranstaltung in Russland oder Weißrussland zu organisieren. Es ist keine Flagge, die unsere...

WRF has called for a series of consultative meetings with d...
OFFICIAL STATEMENT: WRF has called for a series of consultative meetings with different stakeholders regarding the situation in Ukraine, related to its sport community. WRF strongly supports the position of the International Olympic Committee and has planned not to organise any event in Russia or Belarus in the coming times. It is not a flag...